
Though you may stop the clock,
Time continues.

The Great Fallacy fools us all!

And yet –
And yet…

The mask of beingness and becomingness
Covers every rock, every tree, every…thing.
It hides us from each other,
For “the time is not right.”

RIGHT time?
You would let time rule your life,
That great lie at the center of all lies?

Do not. Do not.

For I would like to accept your forgiveness,
And give you mine.

May 29, 2014, Los Angeles


The Rose

“…by any other name…,” said the ill-fated lover.

So, what is in a name?
What do you picture when I say, “a rose”?
Is it this?
rose red

Do you expect a certain scent? Thorns? A long stem?

Do you think of romance, love, and matters of the heart?

There is power in names.
We are a people of labels.
Reality is what we think it is.
Names shape reality.

Would you smell as sweet, by any other name?


Los Angeles, May 13, 2014



i am not:

a man an animal an artist your savior a name an address a writer a number a citizen a poet an energy a credit score a customer a victim a musician a pet a maker of lists

i am not
and I am

existential opposites
both true.

i am impossible

Los Angeles, May 9, 2014